Blueberry Sourdough Dutch Baby Pancakes

Before we get started, lets talk pancakes. I think its safe to say that *most* people enjoy at least a pancake every now and then. I say most because when I was younger I never cared for them all that much. Call me picky, maybe I was. Heck, maybe I just had a lot of other things to chose from that I liked better, right? 😅

Still though, to this day I like the occasional pancake. When I say occasional I mean I could easily go at least year with out one. I love to added tons of fresh fruit to mine, maybe a little whip and hold the syrup..

Now that I've got you dreaming about a hot off the griddle short stack, I also want to let you know right now so you don't set yourself for the wrong expectations (don't worry though, I say this in only THE BEST way! There is nothing to fear.. I promise)

I haven't done research on where Dutch Baby Pancakes come from. What I have done is a lot of research with the taste buds on my tongue. And they LOVE these!
So here is my warning... these are not your traditional pancakes. When you hear the word pancake here, just throw that image out of window. These are very different, but in an amazing way!

Aside from their obvious shape difference, their texture to me is lighter. They are "bready" (I know, that probably isn't a word but for now, it is 😁) They aren't the stick to your ribs pancakes. I also loved them as is. I'm not one for things to be super sweet and these were perfect. I added no extra syrup or honey or any other sweetener of the sort. The sugar added in the batter plus the blueberries was perfect!

These are going to be my new go-to from now on because they are actually even easier than making regular pancakes. They are so simple to whip up: minimal ingredients and huge time saver. No standing at the stove flipping cake after cake. I'm sure can you easily substitute the blueberries for another berry and it still would be amazing! 

Blue Berry Sourdough Dutch Baby Pancakes

Serves 3-5 people


❤1 1/2 Cup Sourdough Starter

❤4 eggs

❤1/4 teaspoon salt

❤3 tablespoons honey or brown sugar (I used brown sugar)

❤1/4 Cup milk ( I used cashew milk, I'm sure any milk will be fine)

❤4 tablespoons butter

❤1/2 Cup fresh blueberries +more for serving on top

❤1 tablespoon white sugar

❤1/2 teaspoon worth of all these spices together: nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger & clove


Preheat oven to 425 degrees

Whisk together your Sourdough starter, eggs, milk, salt, spices and honey or brown sugar in a bowl. Your batter will be a very loose, liquid batter.

Melt your butter in a 9 inch cast iron skillet over medium low heat. Add in your blueberries and white sugar and mix to coat. Cook over medium low heat until the blueberries have began to release their juices and have began to reduce. This should take about 5 minutes. 

Pour all the batter from your bowl all at once into your skillet and then place in oven. There is no need to stir, just leave her as is!

Bake for about 15 minutes, until edges are lightly browned and a toothpick inserted to the center comes out clean.

Serve warm and garnish with remaining blueberries and or any other fruit. You may also drizzle with honey or syrup if you wish for this to be a little sweeter. 
You can also top with ricotta cheese as well!

*scroll down to see our list of recommended skillets and more

I highly recommend cooking as the recipe states, in a cast iron skillet. If you do not have one, you can find the one I use and recommend here:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//" ></a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

To check out our Amazon store front and see all of our recommendations of items we use in home and around the farm, click here:

I hope you all enjoy this delicious breakfast treat! Come back and let us know what you thought of it and if you added different fruits.

Alex & Jen Moore
-FarMoore Homestead

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