Lets chat about tools on a farm/homestead...

What is one of the most important tools to have on a farm/homestead?

If someone were to ask you this, what do you think you would say?

Tractor? Sure! that's a given, right?

Hammer? Saw maybe? 

While all of those ARE amazing and helpful tools around here, did a Calendar ever cross your mind?
(WHAAAAAAAT?! - I KNOW!) This tool was probably at the very bottom of your important tools list, if it even crossed your mind to start. 

While your reading this and trying to rack your brain for why's and how's, let me help you out! When your raising a homestead or farm, there are always important dates that need to be recorded. Important events that may need to be documented.

We raise sheep here on our growing homestead and every fall, our ram, Big Boy, gets to go on dates with the ladies *wink wink* Their breeding season is important because that's what will ensure our heard growth and our meat stock in our freezer. We keep a close eye on their dates together so that we can know when to except those cute, fuzzy, little lambs to make their appearance!

A sheep gestation typically averages around 147 days from conception to birth! When we have witnessed a successful breed between each ewe and ram, we log each couples dates in our calendar. At that point we can then count 147 days later and mark it down for when to start expecting lambing to occur. This is vital because we can then prepare for them. We like to make sure the fencing is in great condition so that no little fuzzy guy can slip through and possibly be separated from mama. We also like to give their birthing quarters a few last look overs and make sure extra bedding is laid down for them. Because, trust me, there is nothing worse than not being prepared and risking the loss of a lamb or even Ewe. They are our lively hood. They are what helps to keep our homestead thriving for us. In lambing season, the cold weather is still lingering around here in Colorado in February/March and we like to make sure everyone is plenty warm and safe!

We love to get our Calendars from our local farm and ranch store, Big R. they have a great selection to chose from, for any one's interest! You can even shop them online if you do not have a Big R store near you at  www.bigronline.com


  1. Did you know my mom grew up on a ranch and they had 600 head of sheep? That's a crazy amount but then again they did have quite a bit of land. A whole mountain side to be exact. And I would have never guessed a calendar. -Tanya

    1. Wow, how cool! I did not know that. Did she enjoy having sheep?


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